Are you ready for your life to make an impact?

Hi, I’m Lois. 

Lois | Where Truth Lives .com | Christian blog for women | Impact the world by living the Word
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I’m 35, wife to a man of God and mama to a sweet, spirited, glee-filled toddler boy (whose birth proves that nothing is impossible with God).

Above all, I love Jesus and have a passion to share His truth and life with everyone.

I’ve been navigating chronic illness for most of my life, and through it all God has proven His faithfulness over and over again.


I know your secret, because it’s mine, too…


You want your life to matter.


To count for something.

To achieve something spectacular.

I also know something you probably don’t know. Ready to hear it?


Your life does matter.


No matter how insignificant you think your day-to-day routine is, and no matter how little you feel you’re able to contribute. And, there’s more. Not only does your life matter…


Your life can make a difference.


A spectacular difference. And even… an eternal difference.

After all, that’s why you exist. And that’s why this blog exists.


You’re a Christian woman who wants to make a difference in the world. Who wants her life to have an impact on others. And this blog is your hub on the web to help you on that journey.

The purpose and mission of Where Truth Lives is to:

encourage, inspire and guide you to impact the world by living out the truth and principles of God’s word, in every area of life

In big ways, in little ways, in ways that you’d never even think of as significant. Every moment that you live out the truth of God’s word, you are making an impact for eternity.

Day by day, as you go about your daily routine, you can make a difference. And here at Where Truth Lives, you’ll find ideas, articles, resources and free printables to help you figure out how. How you can live out the truth and, as a result, impact the world.

If you’re ready to start putting the words of the Bible into action, you’ve come to the right place, friend. This is where you learn how to live out the truth…
This is where truth lives.



So… are you ready for your life to make a difference?



Every other Tuesday, you’ll find a new article on the blog.

(Why do I only post once every two weeks? Because I’d rather publish 2 high-quality posts a month that will deeply help and encourage you, instead of 4+ mediocre posts a month that don’t have much of an impact. My son is little and family comes first, so for now, my blogging time is limited. I want to make it count).

There are 4 main categories, each with sub-topics. (Just hover over the main menu items at the top to see the sub-categories.)


Bible Study
Spiritual Growth (Going deeper with God and applying Scripture to your life…)
Outreach (Sharing your faith via evangelism, gift giving and lots of other ways!)


Chronic Illness


Sanctity of Life



Also, every week on a Friday, I send out an email with an exclusive update, encouragement, and/or challenge (plus an occasional free printable that isn’t available on the blog!).

To make sure you don’t miss out, you can sign up for free to access the Where Truth Lives Free Printable Library as a thank you! 🙂


Not sure where to start?

Check out these popular posts to get a feel for what it’s like here…

You can also check out the Where Truth Lives Shop for some printable Bible verse art to impact guests with Scripture and make your home a place where truth lives.

And don’t forget to sign up below for your exclusive access to the Where Truth Lives Free Printable Library and the weekly emails!

Don’t miss an update, plus get instant access to the ever-growing Free Printable Library!

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